Top 10 Recruitment Classes in the Country by Average Recruitment

The Buckeyes have the nation’s No. 1 recruiting class in the composite team’s 247Sports 2021 recruitment rankings and have held that spot almost from day one. Ryan Day’s recruiting class for 2021 of 18 engagements pretty easily beats Clemson, who is ranked No. 2.

But what happens if one changes the country’s recruitment ranking for the average player ranking for each school’s commitments? Where are the Buckeyes on that stage? Bucknuts analyzes it today to answer that question.

Bucknuts has taken the current top 20 classes in the 247Sports 2021 Composite Team Recruitment Ranking and has reorganized the classes based on the average player ranking.

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Bucknuts includes not only the average player ranking, but also how many commitments each school currently has, and how many 5 stars in each, and gives it the top 10 classes in the country for average players. We also include the current position of the school in the regular composite team recruitment rankings. We start by showing the 10 best classes