Tom Brady has no desire to play for a cold weather team

Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady appreciates one big thing about his new team: the weather. After spending 20 seasons with the New England Patriots, Brady has no plans to return to the cold weather team in the future, according to CBS Sports.

Brady called the Northeast in particular, telling fans, “You won’t catch me alive anymore living in the Northeast.”

“It’s amazing to be at this stage of the season and out of practice today. It turned out to be a beautiful day and I know we have a warmth on Sunday. BRD said in its press conference on Thursday. “I always came down to Florida at the end of the year – we always played dolphins [because] They were ours [division]. It was very difficult to adjust. Just staying in it really prepares you for the heat because it definitely takes a toll if you don’t use it.

“But I like to be out every day. I was originally from California for a long time in my life and I stayed away from it for about 25 years. You no longer catch me dead people living in the Northeast. I love the hot weather and it feels so good. “

Sorry, patriotic fans, but it doesn’t look like Brady will be back in the franchise for one final season.

As expected, Brady signed a two-year, 50 50 million deal with Books in March. If it returns in 2021, it will be along Tampa Bay. The only way not to do that is if Brady retires or pushes a trade in se fasen.

Does Tox Brady want to continue playing after his bucks deal ends?

If Brady finds a way to play in another NFL team, it won’t happen until 2022. At the time, Brad D would be 45 years old. While it’s ancient for the athlete, Brad DA – in the past – talked about playing until he was 45 years old. A lot can change over the years, especially with a 40-year-old athlete, but as long as Brady is still effective, he should draw the attention of plenty of teams before the 2022 NFL season.

Based on these comments, however, Brady is going to pick about his destination. Teams like the Chicago Bears and the Philadelphia Eagles will not be considered. There’s no way Brady would want to spend his winter in Chicago.

To keep Brady happy, he will have to find a team with Super Bowl aspirations that will survive even in hot weather. This may limit his options, but if Brady is still a good player, the teams will go beyond the player with his track record.

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