Today’s horoscope, December 26, 2020

Your horoscope for today is here on December 26, 2020 with daily astrological predictions for each zodiac sign.

Running towards the end of 2020 now life is moving fast.

The sun spends the day in the determined Capricorn, and maybe you have a goal in mind that you want to start now.

Related: How Capricorn Season 2020 Will Affect Your Zodiac

This is the best time to think about it and move into action this evening.

The Moon will be in the stable Taurus in the contemplative Gemini this evening.

The moon will harmonize with Pluto, the first planet of change in the morning, will ask intense feelings about growth and the work you want to do.

If your birthday is today:

If December 26th is your birthday, you are Capricorn.

You are brave and reliable. You are not easily intimidated.

You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people.

You choose to let things change organically rather than compromising on others.
