Time to report now? Follow these steps to tell the IRS that your stimulus payment never came

$ 20 bills in a wallet

What is the correct way to report a lack of stimulus to the IRS? We will tell you.

Angela Lang / CNET

For the most up-to-date news and information on the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

If you’re still waiting for your first stimulus paymentIt might be time to report the missing Internal Revenue Service – most people who qualified for it have already received direct deposit or a check or prepaid debit card in the mail.

Follow the steps below before trying to call the IRS at the numbers listed, and you may be able to solve the problem without calling. Calling should be the last resort.

Meanwhile, Congress is now negotiating the details of a second stimulus payment up to $ 1,200 more Additional benefits for eligible individuals for the next few weeks. (This is what we know about how the Senate HEALS Bill Proposal May Benefit You.) This story is often updated.

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Is it time to report your late stimulus check to the IRS?

If you are sure to comply with the first stimulus check ratingsThese are warning signs that you should contact the IRS at this time:

  • the Get my payment tracking tool reports that the IRS made their payment weeks ago and has not received it (see below).
  • You received a confirmation letter from the IRS that your payment was sent, but did not receive the funds.
  • You think you accidentally threw your prepaid card or verified in the trash (see below).
  • You suspect that someone stole your check or disappointed you.

Read on for more information on these topics and to call phone numbers to contact the IRS.

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Did you receive a confirmation letter, but did not receive a check in the mail?

A handful of CNET readers reported that the IRS sent them a letter confirming their payment but that they have not received their checks.

“Last week I received a letter in the mail saying I received my payment. But no, I have not received it,” a CNET reader reported after receiving the confirmation letter that the IRS sends 15 days after sending the payment.

The IRS did not respond to our question about how it handles payments that were reportedly sent, but that people say are missing.

Are there any other IRS forms that I still need to file?

If you filed a 2018 or 2019 tax return or receive government benefits, the IRS should automatically send your check without you having to do anything.

However, if you are a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, had a gross income in 2019 of less than $ 12,200, or $ 24,400 as a married couple, and did not file a return for 2018 or 2019, you may need to file some information from the IRS before I can process your payment. Go to the Non-Filers site and see if the IRS needs anything from you.

The non-filing tool will be available until October 15, the IRS told CNET, and people who sign up for a payment using the tool before then will receive their check before the end of the year.


Is your stimulus check inside?

Sarah Tew / CNET

Try IRS Tracking Portal First Get My Payment

It is worth visiting the IRS online portal designed to track the status of your 2020 payment. In general, they should tell you when your check will be processed and how you will receive it (for example, as a paper check in the mail). If the Get My Payment tool doesn’t give you information you can understand or says your check is on the way and you haven’t received it, you may eventually need to report the discrepancy to the IRS.

Did you get the ‘Need more information’ message from the Get My Payment app?

If the Get My Payment tool gave you a payment date but you still haven’t received your money, the IRS may need more information. Recheck the Get My Payment tool and if you report “You need more information,” this could indicate that your check has been returned because the post office was unable to deliver it, an IRS representative told CNET.

After viewing the “Need more information” message, the online tool will allow you to enter your bank information to receive your payment directly to your bank account. The IRS said that if you do not provide your bank account information, the agency will hold your payment until you receive a current email address. Go to the IRS address change page to find out how to update your address with the IRS.

Could you have accidentally thrown your check or debit card in the trash?

Four million people would receive their stimulus money on a prepaid debit card called the Economic Impact Payment Card, rather than a paper check. The EIP card comes in a simple envelope, the IRS said, with “Money Network Cardholder Services” as the sender.

Some people, who take it by spam, may have mistakenly thrown these letters away. If your card is lost or thrown away, the EIP card service has frequently asked questions about what to do if it is lost or stolen. You can also call 800-240-8100 to request a replacement. It’s free, according to a Treasury Department spokesperson. To request a new card, press option 2 when prompted.

However, the EIP card website says, “Your card will be deactivated to prevent someone from using it and a new replacement card will be requested. Fees may apply.”

We recommend calling the number above to obtain a lost or stolen card and speaking to a representative.

Did the IRS send your check to a closed account?

Your check could have been returned to the IRS if the agency tried to send your payment to a now closed bank account or to a temporary prepaid debit card that a tax preparer established for you. If your payment was returned to the IRS, the agency will mail your check to the current address on file.

US currency: $ 20 and $ 100 bills

Where’s your stimulus money? Several factors could be causing the heist.

James Martin / CNET

Did the federal government intercept your payment?

If you owe child support, the IRS can redirect your payment to cover past-due support. The Fiscal Service Office will send you a notice if this happens.

Was your payment part of what you think you are owed?

A different, but related, problem could be a change in your income in 2020. In some cases, the IRS may owe you more money than it received if the income figure used to calculate your 2018 or 2019 tax return payment is minor in 2020

Similarly, if you now have a new dependent, such as a child, that is not reflected on your tax returns, you may be owed more money. In either case, the IRS said, you can claim the extra amount on your 2020 tax return when you file next year. We recommend keeping a detailed record so you don’t forget.

Did someone steal it from your mailbox or let you down?

Although rare, you can believe you’ve been ripped off your payment or stole it. The Federal Trade Commission has a website where you can report a stolen stimulus check. We have asked the IRS what other recourse you have if this situation applies to you and we will update this article when we have a response. If you are concerned about theft, you can subscribe to a free USPS service that send you a photo of each email that reaches you – Including your stimulus payment.

How to call the IRS to ask about your late stimulus check

If you contact the IRS by phone, it is a good idea to give yourself enough time for the call. We wouldn’t be surprised if call volumes increase, or if conversations take some time. It is also a good idea to gather your information in front of you, such as a copy of your most recent tax ID and the letter the IRS sent you if you received one.

Within 15 days after your payment is sent, the IRS must send you a letter confirming the payment. At the end of the letter there is a number you can call for more information: 800-919-9835.

In May, the IRS added 3,500 phone representatives to help with potential payment-related issues. The IRS help number is 800-829-1040.