Qucom LaCom unveiled its new Snapdragon V41100 and 41100+ chipsets in June, promising improved battery life and more features for the WAR OS. The company said that MoboVoi will be the first to build the Ver OS smartwatch using the new SOC, and now the next model will make an appearance on Amazon UK.
A product listing was seen on Amazon UK, showing the unannounced Tickwatch Pro 3 available for pre-order. The watch was listed at 9 299.99 (approximately $ 400), with an estimated release date of October 1. After the page was discovered, Mobwoi changed the photos for the generic smartwatch and changed its price to 399.99 dollars, but the release date is the same.
Besides what chipset it will use, not much is known about the Tickwatch Pro3. Quick Luck said in June that the next watch will use the Snapdragon V41 4100, not the 4100+, so it won’t have much different battery life than current Varner OS devices. While the regular 4100 still exists using a more advanced 12nm manufacturing process than the Wear 3100 SOC, only the 4100+ has an upgraded co-processor for quick response and low-power heart rate monitoring.
The Tickwatch Pro 3 was listed as weighing 300 grams before the product was unveiled, but it’s six times heavier than the similarly designed Samsung Galaxy V3, so Amazon can talk about the total weight of the Bucks. The parameters were listed as 45.1 x 45.1 x 12.6 mm, which looks exactly like a smartwatch.