Ticket ok is accused of ‘bullying’ a US-based video app rival trailer

Who would have thought that a short-video app business could be so nasty?

This weekend, the chairman of the trailer claimed 350 employees of the company were involved in a media campaign to hit the controversial and much larger, Beijing-based rival Ticket OK, which is in the Trump administration’s crosshairs, to beat the bad drums. Press in recent weeks to stunt the development of the trailer.

The memo, which was sent to employees via Slack Messaging and obtained by Fox Business, went on to say that Ticket OK is a powerful ally in the “bullying” of its smaller rival: the Chinese government.

Trump sign on ticket ticket deal with Oracle, Wilm ART

“The ticket is in the hands of the Chinese government,” wrote Bobby Sarnavashet, chairman of Tricer. “As we have witnessed, they do not play by American rules. We have taken legal action against them for stealing our technology. They also refuse to answer the date. As a Chinese company they are not adhering to our transaction standards. Unfair business practices, which we also consider potentially illegal, which we would consider as normal everyday business. “

Both of these apps mostly appeal to young people and influential people who post Snappy videos and beautiful messages. But the battle for these users is nothing but cute.

The trailer has already hit the U.S. in the western district of Texas. In a lawsuit filed in district court in July, Ticktuck sued – and Ticktock alleges that his patent entitled “Systems and Methods of Making Music in Sync with Audio Tracks.” And they have even run their own media campaign to earn a ticket ok deal with the Trump administration.

Since the Trump administration demanded a ban on the use of ticket ok in the U.S. over national security concerns, the San Francisco-based trailer has tried to earn a bad press. Ticket OK is a much larger short-video application with over 800 million monthly users compared to 65 million users of the trick. (This number is now under discussion as it has been alleged in the current reporting that this allegation has spread).

Tiktok is currently working on a deal with US tech giant Oracle to allay some of the Trump administration’s concerns about leaking its user data to Chinese officials for espionage purposes, but White House officials are still concerned that the Chinese will remain a chief. A notable player in the DTC, as Ticket OK does not sell its key algorithm, which has led Beijing to the U.S. Can give access to user data.

Ticket OK denies that it is U.S. Spying on users or giving Chinese access to the account to those customers.

But Sarnavesht says: “Ticket ok has already shown its bullying extreme tactics. First, they refused to be a Chinese company and store any data in China. During their recent conflict with the US government, it said the US stores and operates. “The data in China. They claim to be a Cayman Islands company but two weeks ago we saw that the Chinese government has complete control over what they can and cannot do.”

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A spokesman for the trailer did not comment on the memo but would not deny that it was sent to employees on Saturday. A spokesman for Ticket Oak declined to comment

The trailer, managed by Sarnvest and co-owned by Ryan Kavanaugh, is raising money for growth amid ticket odds and could sell itself to a special purchasing acquisition company, Fox Business has learned, according to Fornes Business. But in recent weeks, the trailer has caught the media’s attention, with some news reports suggesting that the company wants to buy users and all important “influencers” who post their videos on ticket ok and the company inflates its user numbers.

“We have successfully acquired one of the top 100 influencers on the ticket ok. These influencers represent millions of followers and have moved to many trailer houses and become exclusive to trailers. We have made a huge hole in them. In turn, They are reacting using their power and influence in the press, trying to destroy our reputation. “