Three men were shot dead during a fishing trip in Florida after one called his father and yelled “Help!

Three gunmen beat and kill three best friends on a fishing trip: the victim’s father encounters the scene of the ‘massacre’ after his dying son called him for help

  • Damion Tillman, 23; Keven Springfield, 30; and Brandon Rollins, 27, died on Friday
  • The three best friends had agreed to fish at Lake Streety, Frostproof, Florida.
  • Rollins managed to call his father and scream ‘help’ before he died
  • Rollins ‘was able to say a few things to his father’ when he arrived on the scene
  • All three were pronounced dead at the scene.
  • Sheriffs believe there were multiple attackers and all three knew their killers.

Three men were killed after being beaten and shot while fishing in Florida, and one of the men managed to call his father and shout “help” before he died.

Damion Tillman, 23; Keven Springfield, 30; and Brandon Rollins, 27, were described by their families as best friends for years, and all died in the Friday night massacre.

All three men were fishing in a popular lake in Frostproof, 70 miles south of Orlando in central Florida.

Tillman first traveled to Lake Streety and came alone, according to Grady Judd, Polk County Sheriff.

On Friday night, Lake Streety murdered three men in Frostproof, Florida.

On Friday night, Lake Streety murdered three men in Frostproof, Florida.

When Rollins and Springfield arrived shortly thereafter, Tillman was being beaten by unknown attackers, and the two friends intervened to assist Tillman and shot them.

Rollins called his father around 10 p.m. Friday and only managed to say “help.”

The father jumped into his car and went to where his son had said he was going to fish.

“When he arrived, he found his son Brandon barely alive and his two deceased friends,” the sheriff’s office said in a press release.

“Brandon was able to say a few things to his father, which we are not publishing at this time.”

Rollins’ father had left his home without his cell phone, so he returned to a nearby gas station and called 911, the sheriff’s office said.

When the authorities arrived at the scene, the three men were dead.

Polk Country Sheriff Grady Judd said the

Polk Country Sheriff Grady Judd said the “horrible” scene was among the worst he had ever seen.

“This is a horrible scene,” said Judd.

“I have been to many murder scenes in my life and this is among the worst I have ever seen.”

The sheriff said he believed there was more than one killer and that the victims knew their killers.

‘We are looking for clues; We need help to solve this crime sooner rather than later because there are one or more, we suspect more, murderers who killed three people in a quiet community, ” he said.

Judd added that the suspect or suspects may have known the men.

“You don’t run into someone out here,” he said.

‘Not that there are many people around here.

“As you can see, they are cow pastures and lakes.”

Police issued a $ 5,000 reward for information about the attack.
