Thomas P. Penn: Trump to give Army Ranger Medal of Male for Iraq Hostage Rescue

The White House announced Thursday that the president would recognize the Army Sergeant. Major Thomas p. Penn on September 11 “clear bravery.” With awards.

The White House said in a statement that Penn led the joint attack team during a “courageous night time rescue” in Iraq’s Kirkuk province.

Sergeant Penn’s extraordinary bravery and selfless actions were key to freeing 75 hostages during a combat rescue mission that resulted in 20 enemy fighters being killed in the operation, the statement said.

Mass graves dug inside the compound were found during surveillance, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the details of the raid told CNN at the time. After the rescue, the hostages said they were told they would be hanged after morning prayers.
U.S. The Medal Hon male is the most prestigious decoration in the military. Recipients must have shown “incredible evidence of appropriate behavioral performance, and every recommendation for the award must be considered on an exceptional quality standard,” the White House said in a statement.
