This week, for the first time in three years, the September full moon is in a unique position: it happened at the beginning of the month – a time that gives it a completely different name, the Corn Moon – instead of the harvest moon – it sets the stage for having two full moons for that full October. That is, the rare blue moon will shine HalloweenOctober 31.
The full moon, designated for the East Coast corn harvest, will reach full moon on Wednesday, Sept. 2, at 1:22 a.m. EDT (5:22 UTC). According to NASA.
Commonly known as the full moon of September Harvest Moon, As it is usually the full moon of the first day of the fall, known as Equinox. But this year, the autumn equator falls on September 22, which is 1 moon ct. Makes the full moon the harvest moon, According to Lehig Valley Live, A news outlet in Easton, Pennsylvania.
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Like every full moon, the September moon will appear full three days in a row, starting tonight (.Gust 31) with Thursday morning (Sept. 3).
A full moon occurs when the sun, earth, and moon form a line, while the side of the moon facing the earth is fully illuminated by the sun, According to, A living science sister site.
On the evening before the true full moon, you can catch the full moon of September this Tuesday (Sept. 1) at 8:12 p.m. Space shows are easily seen with the naked eye (preferably away from flashing artificial lights), but Binoculars Can help you take a look at the lunar landscape so that “a simple view of the brown and white determination on the stripes of gray and white mountain,” According to NASA. Meanwhile, the telescope can help you find lunar mountains, valleys, and “cracks in the lunar surface called relays.” [which] The formation occurred when the lava once filled the basin and cooled and contracted, “according to NASA.
Skywatchers can also capture its brilliant views Jupiter And Sat.. Jupiter was closest and brightest on July 14, 2020, while Saturn was closest and brightest on July 20, 2020, according to NASA. This is known as the “opposite” because the planets were shining on the opposite side of the earth. Even though these planets have passed through their closest and brightest approaches on Earth, they are still brighter than usual. Look for them in the western sky. If you have a telescope, try to find the four brightest moons of Jupiter: Ganymede, Callisto, Europa and Io, NASA recommended. The telescope can help you find some moons, including Saturn’s illuminated rings and Saturn’s largest moon, Titan.
Full cut. After the next full moon on the 1st, the hunter full moon will illuminate this Halloween night-sky for social-distance tricks or traitors.
Other names for the September corn moon (now distributed by the fall of Moon Farmer in the 1930s) include fruit, barley, and the hungry ghost moon, referring to China’s Hungry Ghost Festival which falls on the 15th day of the seventh month. Chinese lunar calendar according to NASA. Today, Ghosts And spirits, including ancestors, are believed to visit living people.
Published on Original Living Science.