This stunning image by NASA/ ESA Hubble Space Telescope The Lupus (The Wolf) constellation shows a spiral galaxy NGC 5643. This is not easy to see good; For a total of hours of observation time, thirty different exposures, with Hubble’s resolution of high resolution and clarity, were required to create such a high level of detail and beauty image.
NGC 5643 is about 60 million light-years away from Earth and has hosted a recent supernova event (this does not appear in the latest image). This supernova (2017 CBV) was a special type in which a White dwarf Steal so much mass from a fellow star that it becomes unstable and explodes. The explosion released a significant amount of light and released that part of the galaxy.
The observation was suggested by Saul Dum Rice, who, along with Shell Perlmutter and Brian Schmidt, won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for his contribution to the rapid expansion of the universe.