This is how ‘we drive the epidemic to the ground’

– The CDC director says the US could control the coronavirus in a matter of weeks if we take one step: masquerade. “If we could get everyone to wear a mask right now, I think in four, six or eight weeks we could control this epidemic,” said Robert Redfield, according to Axios. He added, for Persons“We could take this epidemic to the ground.” Redfield co-authored a JAMA editorial on Tuesday making that argument. As the pandemic has progressed, the authors write, it has become clear that “there is ample evidence that people without symptoms transmit the infection and may be the critical factor necessary to maintain the epidemic drive.” Therefore, the placement of masks must be universal. The authors say that, according to Stat, a 15% increase in mask use “could avoid the need to return home-stay orders that would otherwise cost an estimated 5% of gross domestic product, or projected cost. $ 1 trillion. ”

Redfield said, in a discussion on the topic brought up by JAMA, that he is “encouraged” to see more people wearing masks recently, including the President and Vice President: “Clearly in your situation, you can easily justify that it is not necessary because of all the evidence around them and they know they are not infected, “he said,” but we need them to lead by example. ” The editorial cites several research papers showing that the positivity rate can decrease with universal masking and is titled “Universal Masking to Prevent Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: The Time is Now.” Redfield echoed that sentiment in the discussion. “The time is now. We really need to embrace masking,” he said. “We are not helpless against this virus. In fact, we have one of the most powerful weapons you could ask for. The most powerful weapon we have that I know of is wearing face covers.” (Read more coronavirus stories).
