This game we played in school was so bad

Dear Amy: With knowledge comes broader perspective. I am a person of color. While studying for my Ph.D. in clinical psychology I have realized that many things about my upbringing were wrong.

Columnist Amy Dickinson (Bill Hogan / Chicago Tribune)

In light of the social environment at the moment, the actions of one teacher hang heavily in my heart and mind.

In elementary school, we played a game in gymnastics. It was an obstacle course on floor scooters, and we played it in the dark. It was a big hit, and everyone loved it. The problem is that we were going to play it in February, Black History Month, and the game is called The Underground Railroad.

Everyone I call this says how wrong this was. But I remain confused as to why it was allowed in a supposedly progressive community. It minimized what this nation Black people spent, and made it a children’s game. Most people do not understand the profound impact that constant invalidity can have on the psyche.

The teacher who led the game is now teaching American history of high school. I’m afraid he’s continuing to minimize the suffering of people of this nation.

I do not know the most effective way to tackle this. I know it needs to be addressed.

Make change
