This common medicine can save you from fatal covid complications

As the epidemic continues to progress, many are focusing on how they can protect themselves in severe cases of coronavirus. After all, the more trouble you experience during a COVID infection, the more fatal the consequences. Now, recent research can provide people with a new way to protect themselves. Aspirin may save you from fatal COVID complications, according to a new study. Read on to find out how this over-the-counter drug can help, and for more coronavirus news, find out how bad the seaweed spread is in your state.

A study conducted by the University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) and Oct. Published in 22 Anesthesia and analgesia The journal looked at the medical records of more than 400 coronavirus patients who were hospitalized from March to July due to complications from their infection. Twenty-three percent of these patients were taking a small daily dose of aspirin (usually 81 mg), either before admission or after admission to the right hospital, to manage heart disease.

The researchers found that hospitalized COVID patients who took small doses of aspirin daily had significantly lower risk of complications and death from the virus. Aspirin users were 43 percent less likely to be placed in an intensive care unit (ICU) and 44 percent less likely to be placed on a ventilator. Hospitalized patients who did not take a daily dose of aspirin had a 47 percent reduced risk of dying from their coronavirus infection.

Probably an aspirin bottle on the table for covid bumps.
Probably an aspirin bottle on the table for covid bumps.

“This is a critical finding that needs to be confirmed by a randomized clinical trial,” the study leader said. Jonathan Cho, MDA, assistant professor of anesthesiology at UMSOM, said in a statement. “If our findings are confirmed, it would make aspirin the first widely available, over-the-counter drug to reduce mortality in COVID-19 patients.”

The use of aspirin may be helpful in combating the risk of blood clots in coronavirus patients. In May, a doctor in Atlanta said 20 to 40 percent of COVID patients in city hospitals were developing blood clots. A July study found that more than 1 percent of hospitalized COVID patients had serious complications from blood clots. In general, blood clots can lead to dangerous and sometimes fatal health problems, including heart attack, stroke and multiple organ failure.

“We believe that blood thinning effects of aspirin provide benefits for COVID-19 patients by inhibiting microclot formation,” the study authors Michael A. Mazzefi, MMS, associate professor of anesthesiology at UMSOM, said in a statement. “Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 may consider taking aspirin daily until they first check with their doctor.”

However, aspirin is not the only thing that can help with your coronavirus case. Other things keep you safe from covid, and for signs that you’re sick, if you can’t taste these 2 things, keep reading to find out if you can covid.



Zinc filler capsules sit in a bowl in front of fresh oysters and sliced ​​lemons.
Zinc filler capsules sit in a bowl in front of fresh oysters and sliced ​​lemons.

A recent September study found that coronavirus survivors had .1.1.1 micrograms per gram of zinc in their blood, while only 43 of those who died from covid. The researchers presented the study at the 2020 ESCMID Conference on Coronavirus Disease (ECCVID). And to find out more on the supplements you should take, check out these 2 vitamins.


Lip balm

White lip balm tube
White lip balm tube

A study published in the journal American Physical Society Oct. On the 2nd it was found that lip balm actually helps prevent the spread of COVID. Research has shown that the use of lip balm reduces the number of drops that come out of one’s mouth by four times compared to non-moisturized lips. This means also reducing the spread of potential infection drops. And for more information on how the coronavirus is spread, the CDC now says you can catch comvid from someone exactly this long.



The man with the mask on the ophthalmologist
The man with the mask on the ophthalmologist

There is good news for spectacle wearers. Published in September study Jama Ophthalmology The glasses were found to provide a physical barrier that “can prevent or frustrate wearers from touching their eyes, thus preventing the virus from being transferred to the eyes by hand.” In fact, researchers have found that people who wear glasses are five times less likely to get coronavirus. And to learn more about the current coronavirus spikes across the country, here are 10 states on the edge of COVID surges.


Vitamin D

Vitamins with swallowed ingredients
Vitamins with swallowed ingredients

You can choose to take more vitamin D to make sure your levels are checking. Published by September Study Journal of the American Medical Association Vitamin D deficiency has been found to increase the chances of someone testing positive for COVID by about 80 percent. And for more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter.