There will be a lunar eclipse during the full moon: how to see it on a Sunday night

STATIN ISLAND, NY – Skyways will be treated more than a full moon on Sunday night. It will be the last lunar eclipse of 2020 – the moment when the moon passes through the shadowy part of the earth.

The entire U.S., weather-permitting, will be able to see the celestial arrangement until early Monday night, according to

According to Old Farmer Almanack, the lunar eclipse will occur during the full moon of November, called the “Beaver Moon”, because it is the time of year when the beavers retreat to their habitat for the winter.

The final astronomical event of the month will be a penumbral lunar eclipse similar to the one in July in the sky above North America. During a lunar eclipse, the moon passes through the Earth’s outer shadow, called the penumbra, and misses the darker inner shadow, known as the ombra, the weather service said.

When a full moon passes through a dark ombre it is different from a total lunar eclipse.

What would the lunar era look like?

According to, if you expect a dramatic change like a total lunar eclipse, a lunar eclipse could be intimate. Instead of the whole moon getting dark on Sunday night, only the upper part of the moon will appear slower than usual.

It is difficult to see a slight change in the appearance of the moon, and an eclipse is about to take place where those who look at the moon will be unaware. According to the weather service, they will not even detect a change in the luminosity of the moon.

This eclipse should receive a little more attention than the month of July, as more of the moon will pass through the shadow of the earth. But it can only be noticeable in the middle of an eclipse event.

When to see it

The total eclipse ends at 3:32 a.m. on Monday and ends around 5:53 a.m., however, it is best to witness it around the middle eclipse, which occurs at 4:43 a.m., according to to

If you don’t wake it up early, you can go out just before sunrise on Sunday evening or Monday morning to shine the full moon.

Can I get a good look?

According to, most visitors to the eastern United States will not be able to get a good view of the lunar eclipse – as the storm will bring clouds and rain from afar.

You can check out the live stream of the lunar eclipse on

If you miss it

But don’t worry if you miss the opportunity to watch the eclipse. You will have to wait another six months to see the moon completely dark, as a total lunar eclipse will be visible.

The dominant total lunar eclipse will occur on the night of May 25 until the early hours of May 26, when the moon will pass through the Earth’s inner shadow, Ombra.

This can also be referred to as a ‘Blood Moon Eclipse’, as the Moon can be prickly orange or red as it passes through Ambra, according to

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