The Washington Post reaches a deal with Nick Sandmann after the March for Life viral controversy

“We are pleased that we were able to reach a mutually acceptable resolution of the remaining claims in this lawsuit,” Kris Coratti, a spokesman for The Post, said in a brief statement.

Coratti declined to disclose the terms of the deal. A lawyer for the student, Nicholas Sandmann, also declined to disclose the terms of the agreement.

“Nicholas Sandmann agreed to strike a deal with the Post because the Post quickly released the whole truth, through its follow-up coverage and editor’s notes,” Sandmann’s attorney Todd McMurtry said in an email. “The terms of the agreement are confidential.” M

Sandmann celebrated the deal on Twitter.

“Thanks to my family and millions of you who have stood firm in supporting me,” Sandmann tweeted. “I still have more to do.”

The deal will allow the newspaper to avoid a long and potentially unpredictable lawsuit.

The judge overseeing the case dismissed the lawsuit against The Post last summer. But then he reestablished the case, significantly narrowing his scope.

Sandmann in 2019 became national news when, as a student at Covington Catholic High School, he was in Washington, DC, for the annual March for Life rally.

In a video that drew national attention, Sandmann had an encounter with Omaha tribe elder Nathan Phillips, who was playing a hand drum and singing at the March for Indigenous Peoples at the Lincoln Memorial the same day.

Another video that appeared days later provided additional context for the encounter, but the first video went viral, sparking widespread controversy as the photos of the teenager and the red Make America Great Again hat he was wearing were broadcast on social networks.

In the second video, a group of black men who identified themselves as members of the black Hebrew Israelites were seen taunting the students of Covington Catholic High School in derogatory language and shouting racist insults at the participants in the Rally of Indigenous Peoples and other passers-by.

Sandmann at the time flatly denied the allegations against him, saying he had been trying to “calm the situation” by “remaining still and calm.”

The mainstream media, including the Washington Post, the Associated Press and CNN, covered the aftermath of the incident.

Sandmann also filed lawsuits against several other news organizations, including CNN.

CNN reached an agreement with Sandmann in January. The terms of that agreement were not disclosed.
