Scientists at the UK’s newest and most respiratory respiratory virus threats advisory group (NERVTAG) say they are now more infected with the new strain of coronavirus, which could infect children more.
According to NERVTAG, the new variant – which is believed to have originated in southeastern England – may be about 1% more transmissible than other variants.
“As of last Friday, we felt we had moderate confidence as the data was coming in, but some of the analyzes were done very quickly,” said Peter Horby, professor of infectious diseases at the University of Oxford and president of NERVTAG. Virtual news briefing on Monday.
“We are now confident that the transmission advantage of this variable over other existing virus variants in the UK.”
Speaking with Horby, Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College College London noted that “infected” children are more likely to be infected than previous strains. But he warned that “we have not established any causality on it, but we can see it in the data,” he added.
Wendy Barkley, head of the infectious disease department at Imperial College Ledge London, said another warning took a “hard time” to enter human cells using a receptor called ACE2. Adults who have a lot of this receptor in their nose and throat have “easier targets” than children. But under this hypothesis, a virus that can easily use this receptor to enter cells can make children as susceptible to the virus as adults.
U.S. Department of Disease Control and Prevention According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . ”
Read more about the new Covid-19 variant:
