The United States OfficeThe “Diwali” episode is said to be one of the first American comedies to feature the Indian holiday, and the introduction of the customs is credited to a wider audience (in addition to bringing us Michael Scott’s infamous song “Diwali”).
It is also famous for being the episode featuring Kelly Kapoor’s mother and father, played by Mindy Kaling’s real-life parents.
The actress has been reflecting on the episode in the Office Girls podcast, talking about how showrunner Greg Daniels had auditioned other actors to take on the roles, but they just didn’t work.
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Speaking to his former co-stars Angela Kinsey and Jenna Fischer, Kaling said: “We only included my parents, which seems like a complete act of nepotism and favoritism, because we had audited the parts and Greg felt that the actors who met in that Age group were too theatrical for the acting style on our show or too rigid because they had no acting experience.
“Now, I am the first to say that my parents’ performance was also very forced. But [Greg] It was like, ‘At least they have some family resemblance to you. So we’ll put them there. ‘”
Although Kaling might have been embarrassed to have his real people on set, we would say that it definitely worked in the best way.
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He also said that real life further influenced the plot with Kelly’s lack of real knowledge of Diwali, reflecting the fact that Kaling herself didn’t actually know much about it.
In other The United States Office As a novelty, it was recently announced that an episode of the show has been edited for distribution and broadcast due to the use of the black face, after a wave of studios eliminating episodes and shows due to their portrayals of people of color.
The office The United States is available to stream now on Amazon Prime.
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