The U.S. has peaked at 1,100 coronavirus deaths in just one day. One state is getting help from the National Guard, and 911 centers in Puerto Rico are closed

But a “sharp rise” in new cases has engulfed contact tracers, leading to delays and a “backlog of positive cases whose cases are yet to be handed over to the case investigator,” the North Dakota Health Department said this week.

“Close contacts will no longer be contacted by public health officials; instead, positive individuals will be instructed to self-notify their close contacts and direct them to the NDDOH website, where landing pages will be created … positive by explaining recommended and necessary actions. For both patients and close contacts. “

The state health department said 50 soldiers have been moved from close contacts by the North Dakota National Guard to notify people who test positive, the state health department said.

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Across the country, all Americans need to redouble security measures now that the definition of “close contacts” has expanded.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expanded to just “close contacts” to accommodate anyone you can briefly contact, within 6 feet, during a combined 15 minutes during the day. (Previously, the CDC defined close contacts with whom you have a close encounter, for at least 15 minutes.)
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Dr. Ashish Zai, dean of Brown University School of Public Health, said it reiterates the importance of everyone wearing a mask.

“It’s not a safe time to be with anyone if you don’t both wear masks.” “It’s really complicated that people have been with someone for any length of time, even if they wear masks for less than 15 minutes.”

New CDC Guide Researchers can quietly spread coronavirus even after a brief contact (less than every 15 minutes) with a nearby infected person.

“Masks can protect others from virus-containing particles who have Covid-19. Half of all people who have Covid-19 do not show symptoms, so it is important to wear a mask because you can. Carry the virus and know it No.

“While providing a little limited protection to the mask wearer, each extra person wearing the mask increases personal safety for everyone. When more people wear the mask, more people stay safe.”

911 centers closed after the outbreak

Puerto Rico is particularly hard hit by the Covid-19, and now no one there needs emergency help, can call 911.
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Public Health Secretary Pedro Jenner tweeted Wednesday night that two 911 call centers in the U.S. region have been shut down after employees at both locations tested positive for coronavirus.

He did not say how long the 911 centers would remain closed. But in the meantime, residents are asked to dial a long number if they need immediate help – 787-724-0124 for a general emergency, and 787-343-2020 for the police.

Jenner said employees who have tested positive can be contacted, asked to keep separate and will be tested in the coming days.

Where states are now stand bha

U.S. Now in the grip of a horrible collapse, fueled by indoor socializing, outbreaks in schools and epidemic fatigue.
Doctors say this will be the worst increase ever.  From treatment to testing, U.S.  Is it better to handle Kovid-19 now?
More than 1,100 new Covid-19 deaths were reported on Wednesday – a daily toll for more than a month, according to Johns Hopkins University figures.

At least 10% of new Covid-19 cases were reported this week in 31 states compared to last week: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mississippi, Mississippi , Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Tennessee, Vermont, Wisconsin, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Only Hawaii is in the right direction. The remaining 18 states are relatively stable.

State health officials said more than 2,300 new infections were reported in Ohio on Wednesday, the highest since the epidemic began.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said Wednesday he was making the highest number of hospitalizations in three months.

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The Wisconsin governor said the first patient was admitted to a field hospital Wednesday that opened in response to a surge of Covid-19 patients.

But it’s not just the number of new cases that’s relevant. It also has an increase in deaths and hospital admissions – which can reduce the care of other patients.

Utah mother Laurie Terry recently had a heart attack and needed special equipment in the hospital’s intensive care unit. But a doctor told the family that not enough resources were available amid the growth of the growing Covid-19.

Eventually, Terry was taken to the hospital with the special care he needed, but his condition worsened.

CNN’s J. Sutton, Brandon Miller, Martin Savage, Dan Prozigoda, Anna Sturla and Andre Kane contributed to the report.
