Van Veronica Ngo has revealed that she “had no idea” how important her Star Wars: The Last Jedi The scene would be.
The actress played Paige Tico, who sacrificed her own life while pulling out a planet-destroying Dreadnought, to the pain of her sister Rose (Kelly Marie Tran).
But, speaking recently, Ngo revealed that it wasn’t until the London premiere of The Last Jedi who realized how important her character’s actions had been, which only graces the screen for a few minutes.
Most of that confusion came down to great Star Wars secret. Obvy
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“I remember being nervous and scared when entering the project because they are very strict,” said Ngo. Well-informed person.
“It’s understandable, because it’s so big, but I couldn’t see anything, read the script, take photos. Fortunately, I only had one line.”
She added: “I saw the explosion on the screen and thought, ‘Shit, I did that!’
“When I filmed it I had no idea how big the ship or the ship that was bombing was, I just acted the way [director] Rian [Johnson] he told me.
“The way it turned out, it was a great feeling.”
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Veronica can currently be seen at The old guard, which recently became one of the most viewed Netflix movies of all time.
You can find more information about his mysterious character Quynh here.
The Mandalorian, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker and the entire Skywalker saga are available at DVD, Blu-ray and 4K now as well as in Disney +, While Rise of Skywalker it’s also at Sky Cinema Premiere and NOW TV.
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