The South Korean tower block sank into flames

Ulsan AgniImage copyright pyrite
Zhaniya / @ zhany.yo

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A witness said the fire spread quickly due to materials outside the building

A huge fire in the South Korean city of Ulsan has engulfed a 33-story tower block.

The video footage shows the flames spreading to the Sanghvan Art Nouveau commercial and residential building.

The Yonhap News Agency said hundreds of people were evacuated, including from the roof, in which dozens of smokers were inhaled.

The glitter started at about 23:00 (14:00 GMT) local time and was spread by strong winds.

The fire broke out between the 8th and 12th floors of the building, which houses about 120 homes and shopping units.

About 50 people were treated for smoking inhalation, the fire department said.

The fire was difficult to control due to strong winds.

Firefighters are searching for anyone who may be inside.

An eyewitness told Yonhap: “Suddenly there was a fire. The windows were broken and the living room and bedroom were on fire.”

Another told YTN News that “external materials” attached to the exterior of the building caused the fire to spread quickly.