The Simpsons intro remade in Animal Crossing is exactly what I needed at the time

Dun dun dun da da dun dun

Times are tough, though Animal Crossing: New Horizons has made everything a little easier.

Whether you play it in quick succession and are burnt out or continue to play to this day, it remains the clear-eyed gift that continues to give. The content creation community has made sure of that: even if your copy has since been uninstalled.

That growing list of classic clips includes this video from Great-Bit Arcade, which recreates the intro The Simpsons in Animal Crossing form. They even have their own version of the couch gag at the end: priceless.

Although The Simpsons are pretty much always relevant, it’s also good timing, because I’m well ahead of me complete resume of the show. My wife and I just packed season 11’s “tappa tappa tappa” as we waded through the rough waters of “Alone Again, Natura-Diddily” and “Kill the Alligator and Run.” It’s getting loud here, people!

The Simpsons Intro – Made with Animal Crossing [YouTube via Nintendo Life]

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