Of Marvel Shield agents Ending, not only on the seven asons Tuo but also on the era of superhero television, such innovative hits spread. Daredevil And Jessica Jones. As has always been the case with Marvel, some fans – but not all – are having a hard time letting go.
Often when something ends up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans shudder more. They support ways to resurrect the dead Tony Stark. They have come up with ways to bring Charlie Cox’s Matt Murdoch to a movie. But when it comes down to it Shield agentsThat’s enough, some fans say.
‘SHIELD’s agents’ broke

When Shield agents Premiered in 2013, few would have guessed it would last seven years. By then, Marvel’s movie side had succeeded with its Stratospheric success Avengers, And Shield agents At the time it seemed like a way to ignite the flames while the movies were moving in the other direction.
Yet the show not only stopped, but it also gave birth to another acclaimed series. Not every show was successful – we barely knew you, Agent Carter – But the success of Marvel Television has dragged on for more time than most people expected, due to the rise of streaming. Meanwhile, back to the good old-fashioned network TV, Shield Continued, with strong reviews from its first season to its last.
The decisive consensus of Rotten Tomatoes on the first season read, “Shield’s Marvel agents Comic book is sure to delight fans, but strong couples and fast pacing help make this excellent average superhero accessible even to non-fanboys. ”
Likewise, they said of the final season, “Hearty and together with the strength of the chemistry of its super cast, Shield agentsThe final season is the perfect farewell for a favorite team. “
What do fans say about the film?
Related: Chloe Bennett’s agents in ‘Shield’ were ‘lights’ for Logan Paul and changed his life
When a selected show ends, a spin f series and / or movie comes along. Community, Piloted by Avengers director J. and Anthony Russo, had the motto “Six Six Seasons and a Movie.”
It got six seasons, though the movie isn’t ready yet. And some fans on Reddit will be Shield’s agents on the small screen instead.
One fan wrote, “One thing isn’t as beautiful as it lasts. At some point we just let go. ”
Another was absurd, making a final request that should not have been named: “I think TV should be done in person, I would not be instead Game of Thrones. But I prefer characters to make small appearances in other MCU projects.
Also, as other fans said, this Shield agents The final article was written to conclude the series decisively. Continuing on from here could potentially diminish the show’s legacy. It is better to leave alone enough – at least for now.
Where does Marvel TV go from here?
The answer to that question is obvious – to Disney +. What is not clear is exactly when it will happen. Falcon and Winter Soldier With this was supposed to be the premiere of the fall Vandavision Later this year, and Loki, what if ..? And Hockey Follow in 2021. Three more series, Shi Hulk, Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel is also in development.
Unfortunately, the epidemic stopped production Falcon, Vendavision And Loki, Leaving their premiere dates uncertain. What is certain now is that Marvel’s television side is moving in a whole new direction, as it will be overseen by Kevin Feij, who has led the films to unparalleled success.
Fans will miss Shield agents, Daredevil And Jessica Johns, but Marvel is always something new in the pipeline, even if the health crisis disrupts the flow.