The Racing Point F1 drama is the gift that continues to be given

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Photo: Rudy Carezzevoli (Getty Images)

If you did not keep up with the recent drama surrounding the Racing Point Formula One team, you are in for a treat. The team was recently punished for using a Mercedes-based design for their brake ducts, which the FIA ​​says is illegal, but what many others say is actually perfect. And it’s just so, so good.

If you haven’t followed up, here’s a brief overview of the situation: For the 2019 season, teams could share designs for things like brake ducts or purchase of pre-made brake ducts. By 2020, teams were mandated to design their own brake channel. Racing Point now uses a brake duct design very similar to that of Mercedes in 2019.

Here’s the problem: There’s a difference between when the 2020 rules come into play. Racing Point has claimed that because it designed its 2020 car in 2019 inspired by Mercedes that got it in 2019, it should not be penalized because it can not impart the knowledge it has acquired learn. The FIA ​​has said it is something called garbage; Racing Point did not refine the Mercedes design, which means the team should have known better than to use a 2019 design for 2020.

Part owner (and father of driver Lance) Lawrence Stroll even came out with a bit of diatribe about the decision:

And then there’s the whole fact that Racing Point apparently got an actual set of Mercedes brake ducts in the test session of January 2020. That would have been six days no the team would not be allowed to use parts of another team. However, Racing Point has said it has designed its own channels and has nearly 900 drawings to prove it.

It is a wild situation that has left no one happy. Renault, which has filed protests against Racing Point after every race this season, is not happy that Racing Point has only lost money and championship points. Racing Point is not happy that it is being punished for exploiting a gray area in the rulebook.

However, five teams have appealed the decision against Racing Point, largely because the verdict is so costly. Others demand that the verdict be upheld. The fact that it took multiple protests from Renault to be heard is part of the problem. The stewards who initially ruled the Racing Point car as in compliance with the rules are another. This problem was well detected in the 2020 season, where Racing Point was unable to design the channels and thus simply raced with potentially illegal parts – also part of the problem.

Historically, F1 has been a series about pushing technological boundaries and finding gray areas in the rulebook to exploit. Racing Point has done that in a way that is not free directly cheats, but that is so close that everyone can form a different opinion.

If deviations from the rules are a problem, teams want to outline that they will not fall foul later. If Racing Point actually what illegal the, the that dat must be sketched in detail so that, again, teams do not fall foul later.

But I will be honest: I’m a real sucker for the very specific bougie brand of drama that accompanies F1. The action on the track may be a bit predictable, but it’s the very subtle bitchery that goes on in the background that gives me life. I’ve watched Lawrence Stroll’s video defense at least four times. I have certainly been waiting for every bit of news like a raven vulture. i love it as teams get sassy with each other because it’s just hilarious. It’s like watching team principals do the “complaining about each other back and forth in the media without ever talking” version of subtweeting. I thrive on meekness. And I tell you, I can not wait to see this saga explode next season Drive to Survive.

The way things are going, I expect we’ll hear a lot more about those Racing Point brake channels as the season goes on.

In fact, the following round already follows:
