The purpose of avoiding violence is to rally proud boys in Portland as a city

Ongoing protests in the city and political politicians who let them continue, and hundreds of members of the Prog Boys and other right-wing groups gathered in a park in Regland, Regland, on Saturday to show support for President Trump.

Rallies in the city were drawn for slogans and violence between far-left groups that have been protesting in the city for months. The Boy of Pride has held a number of events in Portland with other right-wing groups, such as the Patriot Prayer, which often culminates in violent clashes with left-wing groups.

Expecting thousands at the rally after the Proud Boys nationwide qualified to attend, Govern. Kate Brown declared a state of emergency, but in the middle of the afternoon, opposition groups did not come into contact.

Initially, the only conflict that arose was when rally tourists chased a handful of people outside the park, including a man dressed in black and wearing a black helmet with a sticker, saying, “No justice, no peace.”

In the livestreams of the event, some of the rally ka go nara people could be heard saying that they were going downtown to confront Antifa, but the organizers appeared to be snatching these claims.

Many people at the rally were carrying guns, baseball bats or ieldals, and a number were wearing tires. According to Types Regonian, militia members armed with a variety of weapons were also posted in the park.

The “Make America Great Again” hat was common with T-shirts and flags supporting President Donald Trump. A few “don’t walk on me,” flags and occasionally the Confederate flag were also flown. Some carried signs saying “Free Kyle Now” or wearing a T-shirt, “Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong!” On him, a reference to the 17-year-old accused in the shooting death of two Black Lives Matter protesters in Kesosha, Wisconsin.

Others passed signs asking for information about the death of Aaron “Jay” Danielson, who was fatally shot by self-described Antifa member Michael Forrest Renault, while a convoy of proud boys and patriotic prayer members entered Portland during the Black Lives Matter protesting Renault, He claimed to have acted in self-defense, but was killed by law enforcement officers a few days later, when they tried to arrest him in Olympia, Washington.

Another event honoring Portland’s historic black residents led several dozen people to another park about a mile away, but one organizer told Reg Reganion that he had no plans to communicate with the proud boy. The paper said a second group of about three counter-protesters gathered in the third park about three miles away, but did not plan to march in the park where the proud boys had gathered.

The rally comes as Portland approaches its fifth month of almost overnight protests against racist injustice and police brutality that often end in violent clashes with police.
