The Patriots wanted more space in the Aerohead Stadium locker room

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NFL teams and coaches continue to wrestle over the question of whether the league broke out (and / or will result) due to a lack of protocol or failure to implement. However, evidence from Park 345 Park Avenue regarding the Tennessee situation points to a failure to enforce in that case, prolonging questions about whether the league’s protocols could prevent the outbreak, even if teams comply with the letter.

Muddamal, and as shown on Wednesday, locker-room facilities for visiting teams are less than the space in some stadiums. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to keep enough players to overcome the quality of the Petri dishes in the dressing / throwing area.

For example, Arrowhead Stadium is a stadium that has a small locker room for the visiting team. Sims certified for lack of elbow room during Thursday PFT Live, Mentioning at one point the possibility of a teammate having a “butt on your face” when changing.

Take a look at the photo attached to this post. It is a 49-Chiefs Prison game in 2019, held in the visitor-team locker room at Arrowhead Stadium.

The Patriots were assigned to the stretch space, which was estimated to be about 1,000 square feet on Monday night. According to a league source, the Patriots asked for more space, and their request was denied.

So the league can claim the work of its protocols and any team that erupts should not follow protocols, but the Patriots had to use the locker room on Monday night which was stretched – and one player in the locker room (Stefan Gilmore) tested positive the next day.

Thus, the league’s efforts to improve the situation on the fly (to be truly effective) must ensure that the team will be able to dress and re-dress more than six feet between players. Until that happens, there will be a way for them to catch the virus away from the team’s facility to inevitably spread the virus to team members.