The parody of ‘Hamilton’ clarifies the debate on the use of masks: see

The ongoing mask debate in the United States has Hamilton treatment just in time for the premiere of the Disney + musical this weekend.

A YouTube parody brings pandemic coronavirus pro-mask and anti-mask from sides to face, with themed lyrics from the soundtrack of Hamilton.

The clip, uploaded by the Holderness Family, addresses the subject directly when it opens with a call and response to the tone of “Aaron Burr, sir”:

“Excuse me, do you have germs, sir?”

“No, I don’t, and that’s my business, not yours, sir. I have my rights and my freedom.”

“To be sure, sir …”

“But this crown is a sham.”

“I’m getting nervous, sir.”

The humorous song continues to address everything from the dire reality of the virus to conspiracy theories, and both sides even agree, if only for a moment, on how hard it can be to quarantine children, before go to the next Hamiltonsongs inspired by why everyone should “agree to wear a little flip mask”.

Check out the parody of “Hamilton Mask-Up” below.
