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The Guardian

Americans’ acceptance of Trump’s behavior will be his weak legacy

Trump has banned the country’s highest office by giving a destructive ball to American democracy, Donald 74,9,957 Americans Most of the Americans who voted for Donald Trump to be re-elected – cast 46..8% votes in the 2020 presidential election – not accountable to Trump Count. For what he has done for America. Acknowledgment of Trump’s behavior will be his worst legacy. About forty years ago, political scientist James Q. Wilson and criminologist George Kelling observed that broken windows are left unattended in the community, with windows if no one cares. The broken window there is an invitation to throw more stones there and break more windows. Message: Do what you want here because other people have done it and it’s gone. The broken window principle has led to PKU and arbitrary law enforcement in poor communities. But with America’s most privileged and powerful emancipation the big windows are breaking. In 2008, Wall Street almost wiped out the economy. Street lost millions of Americans losing jobs, savings and homes. No major executive on Wall Street has yet gone to jail. In recent years, the top executives of Pardu Pharmaceuticals, along with the Secular family, were aware of the dangers of Oxycontin, but could do nothing. Wells Fargo Bank officials forced bank employees to deceive customers. Boeing officials hid test results that showed its 737 Max Jetliner was unsafe. American police chiefs looked the other way, as police repeatedly killed innocent black Americans under their command. Here, too, they have escaped with him. These windows are breaking.> Trump has banned the country’s highest office fees, running a devastating ball on the most valuable windowpane of American democracy. American Democracy – The Most Precious Window Pen of the Message? A president can obstruct the investigation of special advisers of his malpractice, force foreign officials to make a fuss over political rivals, fire inspectors who see corruption, order the entire executive branch to reject sub-doctrines of Congress, the Internet about his opponents. Can be flooded with fake information. Refuse to release his tax returns, accuse the press of being “fake media” and “enemies of the people,” and make money for his presidency. And he can get rid of it. About half of the voters will also vote for his election. The president can also lie about election results without a shred of evidence – and yet, according to the polls, he will be considered by the majority of voters. Trump’s recent apologies have shattered the double pen windows. Not only has he broken the norm for a presidential pardon – usually granted because of the applicant’s good behavior after sentencing and sentencing – but he has been pardoned by those who smashed the windows. By forgiving them, they have held them accountable for their actions. These include aides convicted of lying to the FBI and threatening potential witnesses for its protection; Her son-in-law’s father, who pleaded guilty to tax evasion, witness tampering, illegal campaign contributions and lying to the Federal Election Commission; Blackwater security guards have been convicted of killing Iraqi civilians, including women and children; Border Patrol Agents convicted of assaulting or firing on unarmed suspects; And Republican lawmakers and their allies have pleaded guilty to fraud, obstruction of justice and obstruction campaign. According to Wilson and Kelling, it’s not just the size of a broken window that undermines standards. Society wants to look the other way. Standards are broken if no one is held accountable. Trump could face lawsuits when he leaves office, including with potentially criminal charges. But he is unlikely to go to jail. The president’s immunity or self-pardon will protect him. The plaintiff’s discretion will, in any case, almost certainly argue against the accused. No former president has been convicted of the crime. The only prospect of a criminal trial for Trump would be a partisan brawl across the country. Congress may try to limit the power of future presidents – strengthen congressional oversight, strengthen the independence of observers, demand more financial disclosures, increase penalties for presidential aides who break the law, restrict the amnesty process, and so on. . But Congress – the co-equal branch of government under the Constitution – cannot rein in rogue presidents. And the courts don’t want to focus on political questions. The grim reality is that Trump can get rid of it. And running with it will change and discredit the norms that govern American presidents. The huge windows he broke are invitations to the future president to break even more. Nothing will improve until the American majority recognizes and condemns what has happened.