The number of people reluctant to drop the Covid-19 vaccine quickly

If Johnson and Johnson and fellow vaccine makers Moderna and Pfizer live up to their vaccine promises, the big question is whether we have a sufficient dose of the large Covid-19 vaccine, but whether people will actually take it.

U.S. More and more people are being vaccinated so recent polls show a steady decline in the vaccine shrinking population.

In the last two weeks alone, there have been two polls that show how much hesitation the vaccine has had. A Kaiser Family Foundation poll found that 55% of adults say they now want the Covid-19 vaccine as early as possible or have already received the first dose. Which is 47% in January and 34% in December.

While the hardness percentage is maintained at “get it only if necessary” or “definitely not” 20% north or just north, the hesitant population of “wait and see how it works” has dropped nearly half over the last two years Is gone. Months 39% to 22%.

Axis / Ipsos polling shows a similar trendline. Only 13% of adults said in September that they would get the Covid-19 vaccine as soon as it became available to them. It reached 27% in early January to early December. Now, 57% say they have already received the vaccine or will get it as soon as possible.

Like the Kaiser poll, the hardened vaccine-resistant population (i.e. those who say they will not get the vaccine or only get it if pressured) is basically the same size now (18%) as it was in September (23%). And early January (19%).

More people who say they will wait a period of time to get vaccinated (from a few weeks to a year or more) have dropped sharply: 64% in September, 51% in early December, 38% in early January and now 28%.

Unfortunately, vaccine-resistant populations will be difficult to persuade. This proportion of the population has been fairly consistent (about 20%) indicating that vaccines are safe and effective and that our potential path to a normally functioning society is a burden to bear. Them.
These men and women received the Covid-19 vaccine despite little hesitation in their communities
The good news is that the declining percentage of people in the middle (i.e. vaccine compressors) is what we expect as more and more people are vaccinated safely. Even before the FDA approved vaccines, I noticed that the biggest driver of vaccine hesitation was that people wanted to know if the vaccine was safe and effective.
It is still the case that the desire to be vaccinated is related to the knowledge of the vaccine and to those who have been vaccinated.
To reach herd immunity through vaccination, scientists believe that somewhere between 70% and 90% of the population will need to be vaccinated. We will only reach that percentage if more people who are hesitant to get vaccinated make sure the vaccine becomes available or taken immediately.

That is why the next few months will be key. Given Johnson and Johnson’s one shot regiment and Pfizer and Modern’s two shot regiments, we have a few months left to have enough vaccines for everyone there.

If the current vaccine delivery time catches up and the lion’s share of those who hesitate to vaccinate can be converted to those who will be vaccinated immediately, we may have enough vaccines for every adult who wants it before the end of May – and we have a lot of coronavirus. Good chance.
