For the past six weeks, EVE online It has been besieged by an extradimensional enemy known as the Triglavians. Recently, players were asked to unite with the Triglavians and help them settle into the EVE universe. Many players accepted this challenge and fought alongside the alien invaders against the NPC empires and against other players. With the start of Zenith, the third quarterly update for EVE, The results of this invasion will begin to show.
In a late May update, EVE the players were given the choice side with the invaders or lead them back to the abyss from which they originated. In the weeks since, many battles have been fought in dozens of star systems, involving tens of thousands of players, with several key victories being won on each side. Where the defenders won, the Triglavians were forced to retreat and the systems were blocked against them, preventing further incursions.
However, in areas where the Triglavians and their player allies were victorious, mysterious space stations began to appear in orbit around the stars. These stations began to transform those stars, changing their appearance and making the space in its proximity take on different characteristics, similar to what the players have seen inside Nether Dead Space, the house of the triglavianos. An additional effect of the star systems that were conquered by the Triglavian forces has been the creation of automated defensive structures that protect the entrances to the solar system. These automatic turrets reduce the work of players trying to enter the system who do not have a positive enough position with the Triglavians, which is gained by helping them in their quest for conquest.
In the trailer of the Zenith Launch, you can see a massive ring-shaped structure created by the Triglavians. It appears to have a uniqueness within, which is similar to the graphic effect of Triglavian weapon systems. The popular theory of many players is that the final destination of the stars in the center of Triglaviancontrolled territories will collapse into singularities and be used to drive more Triglavian activities in the areas. There it is not known what effect the triglavian control of the stars has could have in the EVE universe.
In addition to the elements of the ongoing story that are implemented with Zenith, a A new feature will be added to the game through a special event. An important review is transformer the current Nether Testing Ground feature, which is currently only used by a small group of EVE players, in a way for players to find instant PVP action. Players can use special items to launch into an arena where they will face other pilots in a deathmatch style contest. The winner of the fights will be tracked on a leaderboard visible throughout the game, and rewards will be awarded to players based on their ranking at the end of the game. Zenith quadrant.
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These battles will rotate through different scenarios weekly, with each scenario changing the type of ships allowed, the number of players allowed in the arena, and whether or not players can bring teams. The first three formats have been announced, with more slated to last until October, it remains a mystery.
This feature offers a way for players to find combat. action game and short session. Players will no longer have to wander the stars for hours to find people to fight with, only to return empty surrendered or run towards a fleet that is much bigger than yours and die. Plus, with the cancellation of the Alliance Tournament years ago, players enjoying a prize-structured battle have lost that element of the game. The Abyssal Proving Grounds offer a new platform for PCC tournaments and possibly even in-game players to take place, and cYou should make these organized tournaments possible again.
the Zenith quadrant launches today with both the next stage of the triglavian invasion and the abyssal testing grounds, with more content releases during the third quarter of the year. 2020, while practically a fire in a dumpster, is shaping up to be one of the most exciting years in EVE’s recent history.
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