The new Hubble image will shed light on the storms of Neptune

Neptune never has a dedicated space mission, But the Hubble Space Telescope will still shed new light on the work of the mysterious planet.

Driving News: A new photo from the Space Telescope shows a long-running hurricane – a dark spot in the upper center – first seen in 2018 is still strong.

  • Scientists expected the huge, dark storm to disappear, as they saw it moving toward the planet’s equator, where such storms usually fade.
  • However, new Hubble observations show a dark space – which is wider than the Atlantic Ocean – unexpectedly went back over the equator.

Conspiracy: Hubble also found a small, black storm in the planet’s atmosphere in January. Scientists suspect it could be a broken bit of a major storm.

  • “It was also in January that the Dark Vortex stopped its motion and began moving north again,” Michael Wang of the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. “Maybe throwing that piece out was enough to stop it from going to the equator.”
