The new Horizons update has good news for Nintendo Switch players

A new one Animal Crossing: New Horizons The update has some good news for players of the 2020 game on the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite. During the recent earnings round, Nintendo told its investors that it was all over the moon how many copies the game has sold today, it plans to implement more events in the game and support the game longer. Of course, for a game that will probably sell 30 million copies by the end of the year, that sounds like a fog, but Nintendo is not known to support its games since its release, including previous ones. Animal Crossing Games.

Unfortunately, Nintendo does not disclose how it will support the game and whether it will be more, or less than, the support shown for the game since it was released back in March. All Nintendo, by President Shuntaro Furukawa, notes that it is considering implementing more events in the game.

“The pace of sales Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ease has come compared to the period around its initial release, but among all our titles, this maintains a high level of sales. As I said in response to the previous question, this title is also driving Nintendo Switch hardware sales in Asian markets, including Japan, U.S. And there are relatively fewer sales than in European markets. Going forward, we will continue to implement in-game events and seek to ensure that customers continue to enjoy the game for a long time. This will be the sales season at the end of the first year Animal Crossing: New Horizons, And we hope that more people will take the opportunity to buy the game. “

When and in the coming days Nintendo provides more clarity on how it plans to realize this support for one of the best-selling games of this pay generation, we will be sure to update the story with what is provided. In the meantime, for more coverage on all matters Animal crossing, Nintendo Switch and Nintendo, click here or see the following related links:

H / T, Nintendo everything.
