‘The most important part of the pitch’ on the ‘shark tank’

According to investor Kevin O’Leary, there’s a common thread between successful pitches on ABC’s “Shark Tank”.

He tweeted on Friday that the most important part of a tank, boardroom or zoom pitch attracts the attention of the room.

O’Leary, for example, turned his attention to entrepreneur Akim Shannon, who drew the attention of all sharks to Friday’s episode of the show by launching his pitch with a phone accessory called Flipstick, about his product.

A reusable adhesive made to connect mobile surfaces to other surfaces for hands-free use, Shane hit out at Flipsick, “This is a kickstarter of demand.” “Shark, give a kid a chance. I’ll give ROI [return on investment] On your 100-grand. “

After his rap, Shannon asked the Sharks to invest 100,000 in exchange for a 20% stake in his company. And although he has not yet revealed the details of his business, he has already captivated all investors.

‘The way to the flipsic,’ O’Leary tweeted.

Mark Cuban and Demond John loved Shannon’s presentation and called it “the best rap we’ve ever seen” on the show. Barbara Korkoren said it was a wonderful way to get into the tank.

“Their energy is contagious! The best sellers always have high energy,” he added.

Because of its rap and pitch, Shannon received offers that he could not have, as his company did not sell a ton: in about a year and a half, Flipstick produced $ 115,000, Shannon told the Sharks.

“Your sales suck,” Cube said. “You know 115,000 [in two and a half years] Is awesome. “

Because most of Flipstick’s sales were through brick-and-mortar retail, Shenon said the Covid-19 epidemic was wiped out, and they came to the show to help sell directly to customers.

Shannon received offers from O’Leary and Lori Graner, as they were impressed with Shannon as a person.

O’Leary offered 100 100,000 for 20%, which Shane asked for, and Granar offered ,000 100,000 for 25%. Cuban was going to offer fur, but Shannon accepted Greener’s place.

Shawn’s rapper did the trick, because in full pitch, “you have to explain exactly what the business is in less than 90 seconds,” O’Leary told CNBC’s Make It earlier. “If you can’t do that, you’ll never succeed.”

Disclosure: CNBC has exclusive F-Network cable rights to “Shark Tank”.

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