The moon is surprisingly radioactive

Atomic age

For the first time CNN Reports say scientists have investigated how radioactive the moon is – a finding that could have an impact on the future of human space travel.

New data collected by China’s Changi 4 rover shows much more radiation than you would deal with on Earth or on the International Space Station. But it is still likely to be a level where, for a limited period of the moon trip, in some exposure, it is still safe.

Rad Rad-X

Experts were quick to refer to the discovery of 1,369 microseverts of radiation, published in the journal Science progress.

“The level of radiation we measure on the moon is 200 times higher than the Earth’s surface and 5 to 10 times higher than the flight from New York to Frankfurt,” said Robert Weimer-Swinguber, a physicist at the University of Keel. On research, in a statement. “Because astronauts or pilots on transatlantic flights are exposed to this radiation level longer than this, this is significant exposure.”

Moon boots

Though CNN Reports that Apollo astronauts brought devices to measure radiation levels on the moon, data never made it back to Earth.

Now that NASA is planning its Artemis mission with the goal of sending astronauts back to the moon, it is worth knowing what future astronauts will do with it when they return.

read more: The study says the radiation on the lunar surface has been measured for the first time [CNN]

More on minimums: Astronomers: Our planet Mighty may have another moon, unless it is smaller
