The Missouri Department of Defense reports hemorrhagic disease in Missouri deer

Jefferson City, Mo. (KMIZ)

The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) reports lower levels of hemorrhagic disease (HD) in deer tested in Boone, Camden, Cole, Jackson, Lynn and Osage counties.

HD is a naturally occurring virus that infects deer by the bite of a native mig fly. It is common in Missouri between July and October October when its spreading insect is most active.

The MDC has received at least 100 reports of additional suspicious cases from locations across the state.

“Hemorrhagic disease has been recognized in Missouri for decades,” explained Jasmine Bat, MDC Wildlife Health Program Supervisor. “We receive reports of suspicious cases every year and ask people to report suspected cases of HD in their local MDC office fees or email information to [email protected].”

Betten added that the rate of local infection due to hemorrhagic disease may be severely affected by the high rate of infection over a number of years, but the transmission of the disease ends in the fall when heavy frosts kill the migraines. The deer population is able to recover in the midst of an outbreak.

Hemorrhagic fever can be fatal for infected deer, but some deer survive and develop immunity.

“Clinical signs of hemorrhagic disease vary in deer but may be reluctant to move; difficulty breathing; and swelling of the head, throat or tongue,” explained Bat. “Deer that are sick may not be dizzy, lethargic, and unresponsive to people’s attitudes. Deer who die from hammerhead disease usually do so in a matter of days and are often found dead in or near water without any outward signs of illness.”

He added that HD is not directly contagious among infected deer and is not known to infect people.

Huntfish.M.D.C.M.O.Ov. / Hunting-Tr pping Ping / Wildlife-Paradise / Hemorrhagic-Furnace Learn more about hemorrhagic disease Report suspected cases of hemorrhagic disease to local MDC offices or email information to [email protected].

HD verses CWD
Batten noted that Chronic Wedding Decision (CWD) is another disease found in Missouri deer that may show similar signs and symptoms as hemorrhagic disease (HD). MDC noted the following comparisons:

  • HD symptoms include fever, decreased activity and swollen throat, tongue, eyelids. Because sick deer have a fever, they are often found nearby or in the water. Sick deer will appear deranged, lethargic and responsive to people’s attitudes.
  • CWD symptoms include behavioral changes such as excessive salivation, head / ear cuts, tremors, emission and lack of human fear and lack of coordination.
  • HD infected deer usually show symptoms within days of infection and die within weeks of infection.
  • CWD can take more than 18 months for an infected deer to show symptoms.
  • HD does not kill all infected deer. Deer that survive develop antibodies for future immunity.
  • CWD kills all infected deer.
  • HD is caused by a naturally occurring virus spread by midflies during the summer and fall and ends when cold climates kill flies.
  • CWD is caused by a so-called mitochondrial protein called “mission” and is spread in body fluids.
  • Learn more about CWD at Report suspicious CWD cases to local MDC offices or email information at [email protected].

Hemorrhagic disease (HD) has been affecting deer periodically in Missouri and other states for decades without any long-term effects. Deer infected with HD usually have a fever and can be found in or near water.