The military son came home to surprise the police sergeant’s mother for the holidays

A military officer recently returned home to surprise his mom, a police sergeant, on holiday time. Private Second Class Davion Oliver and St. Petersburg, Fla., Police Sergeant Samora Church joined “Fox and Friends” after their heartbreaking settlement.

“I was ecstatic. I was so happy to see him. I don’t think I’ll see him until the first year of the year,” Church told Fox & Friends on Monday.

A Pennsylvania teacher sends a Merry Christmas message to students deployed with the National Guard.

Once military officials approved his request to come home, Oliver said both his family members and church police station supervisors helped clear the surprise.

“I called my aunt so she could pick me up from the airport,” Oliver said. “She was the only person in the house who knew at the time, so this was a key factor that helped me make the surprise better.”

With the help of his aunt, Li Liver surprised his grandmother on the night of his arrival. Oliver’s grandmother then called the church supervisor to speed up the plan.

“My grandmother, she held the lieutenants’ hand so we could arrange this to say that someone below is complaining to someone, ”Oliver said.

When the church responded to the “complaint,” his son was waiting.

“He goes downstairs, he goes to the double door, and I wait around the corner,” Oliver said. “I was, ‘Officer Fischer, I’ve got a problem,’ and that’s when it clearly melts.”

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The church said that when she realized that Oliver was doing important work in the military, she was happy to take her son home during the holidays.

“It meant everything,” Church said. “I have two young children and they were missing their brother like crazy, like I’m missing him like crazy.”

He added, “Keeping all my small pieces together meant everything to me.”