The Master Chief collection is so much fun now

Illustration for article titled iHalo: The Master Chief Collection / i Is So Fun Fun Right Now

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Kotaku Game DiaryKotaku Game DiaryDaily thoughts from a Kotaku staff member about a game we are playing.

I have played Halo: The Master Chief Collection on and off, more off than on, since its launch in 2014. connectivity issues that persisted long after launch they were one thing, but the game also hit that fun wall that all first-person shooters hit. Sometimes it takes months or years, but regular players always abandon ship for the next big thing. A smaller group of dedicated and ridiculously skilled players remain in their place: those who shoot the head with their eyes closed and eat triple slaughter at breakfast. It is inevitable and aura is no exception. This weekend, however, things were different.

Now I wouldn’t describe myself as good or bad aura player. In any case, I am aggressively average. Over the course of six games, my multiplayer death and death rate has hovered around 1.0. (Well, well, for The Master Chief Collection, it’s 0.996.) That’s almost as half way as one gets. I can probably keep up with you and your friends, but against the divine-level folks who stick with first-person shooters long after the last call, I don’t have a chance.

auraThe frantic games were a case study in exactly that. Once upon a time, playing Slayer was like playing a real game, one where you wouldn’t regularly know who the winner was until the last 30 seconds of a game. Then the hoi polloi left, and team games regularly resulted in scores of 50-17 (or worse). Finally, as a friend who suddenly gets too into EDM, auraThe community stopped being fun. We distance ourselves. Why should I wait five minutes for a match to only end against players who would kill me as quickly and easily as the Boss kills the rebel Grunts?

Maybe you’ve had a similar aura experience. If so, take my advice and start The Master Chief Collection (and its 73GB update) right now.

After first look at last week Halo Infinite How to play, I found myself afflicted with the aura chop. (In spite of the suggestions from my colleague Ian Walker, no, it turns out CVS doesn’t have a cream for that.) So, Thursday night, after the big Microsoft eventI downloaded again Halo: The Master Chief Collection“And I couldn’t leave it.”

I don’t think I’m the only one. Maybe it’s that I just haven’t played much aura in 2020 but, following new aura News, the community feels more vibrant than ever now Over the weekend, matches lined up in seconds, rather than minutes, as they used to. It doesn’t matter what I playedHalo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo Reach, Oddball, Capture the Flag, Headhunter, Big Team Battle, Slayer, whatever, I had no trouble finding other Spartans to play. On multiple occasions, I tried to change my Spartan’s color scheme and was kicked out of the customization menu because other players joined in too quickly, causing the game to start. Plus, he always stood in line with a new group of strangers every time, instead of repeatedly playing against some asshole.k called Mister420Halo69.

The matches were also fairer than they have been in a long time. Sure, in some games, I got my butt, but it never seemed unfair to me. I could specifically point out a mistake I made (who’s going against an energy sword with a gravity hammer?) Instead of wondering, in shock, how I died three times in 20 seconds without firing a single bullet. In other games, I gave up the asses, something that certainly would not happen in auraThe wasteland formerly occupied by deities. aura, at least for now, it’s a game again. And it feels so good to be back.

If you also feel the aura itch The Master Chief Collection while things are good, you know, before the inevitable happens again.

More master chief:
