The Last Airbender in Gif Party

Is …attacking the Water Nation now?
Image: Nickelodeon

There’s always time for another pro-bending gif party! The Legend of Korra has followed Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix. And even if it is the future of the live-action series is in danger, we can still celebrate Korra and her friends for getting the bowing time they deserve. With, what else, gifs!

Release your favorite “It’s Friday!” party gifts in the comments below because we made it through another week and that’s all that Avatar Aang can ask of us. This week’s Bonus Points Challenge is dedicated to gifs The Legend of Korra, the successor of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Of course, if you would rather share gifs from Aang and his friends, I will consider that sharing credit. Because they are all one big bowing family.

We have this, Four Nations!

We all earn a 10, Momos are just mean.
Image: Nickelodeon

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