The lack of planning was not a problem in the sequel trilogy, according to some fans

One of the many rubbing against this Star Wars The sequel trilogy is that Disney didn’t plan when they made the movies. Sure Force is awakened Started well enough, but then The Last JD And then upset the whole story The Rise Sk f Skyver Failed to wrap up unbalanced narrative. At least, that’s a common complaint.

Now, with the movie being re-evaluated, there is a team of fans who think that the lack of a plan was not really a problem. Maybe it was just a poor story telling

What did the fans say about the plan?

Adam the driver
Adam Driver | Mike Marsland / Wire image

When Force is awakened Coming out in 2015, most fans were so excited about it – that it became the biggest hit ever on North American BX office fees. Not even Behemoth Avengers: Endgame It ends.

There were rumors that it might have been a bit more like A New Hope in 1977, but at the time, positivity overcame negativity.

Then The Last JD Came together and the poisonous drug among the fans reached the fever pitch. Although the movie had and still has its defenders, the loudest cry from the fans was “We didn’t want that! That’s not my Luke! It’s not a real Star Wars! Ryan Johnson spoiled everything! He falsified JJ Abrams’ plan Rebellion arose

Then Abrams returned to The Rise Sk f Skyker and was so busy picking up the pieces, so fans said, he couldn’t put the coherent story together. Many fans watched Episode IX Like a movie. Recon. Out of the way Episode VIIIEspecially Rena Parentage.

At least that’s what many fans seem to be saying. However, that’s not all.

Not so fast – maybe no plan problem

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As one fan writes about the pros and cons of a thread plan on Reddit, “Movie Sagas almost never has a plan. ST (sequel trial) g) suffered from some weak decisions of the story. It doesn’t really matter at what stage in the decision-making process (i.e. in the middle versus in the beginning), that’s all they took. Point the finger at those who made those decisions, not the method they took. “

One reason for this came up against him because a fan posted a video of director Christopher Nolan saying he had no plans for his Batman trilogy, and it was better, but there was little disagreement on the issue.

One fan said, “I don’t think the plan is‘ necessary ’but this is a bad comparison. The Nolan trilogy does not tell a continuous story like ST. Movies from the Nolan trilogy are rarely connected and easily act as 3 standalone movies. They are not comparable. “

Then again, when George Lucas had a plan when he first made it Star Wars? Not really. He had no idea he was juggling a pop culture that would last more than 40 years. He had many ideas, some of which he cut and later used in the prequel trilogy, but all the evidence for which he has no plans is in the angry romance between Luke and Leah, which now seems icy.

But Hindsite, as they say, is 20/20.

Now what are the plans for Star Wars?

It will be interesting to see how Disney handles Star Wars going forward. One could say that there are not many plans now. We have season 2 The Mandlorian Comes in late October, but other than that, not more specific on the books.

We know we’re getting the OB-Van series sometime. We know we are getting Cassian endorsement A disease Series sometimes. We know we’re getting a Kevin Fig-producer movie at some point. We know we will get a Taika Vetity movie sometime. But when? Right now no plan seems to be in short supply.