The International Space Station gets its first space refrigerator

Being an astronaut is so long because you don’t mind taking your dinner out of the pouch and eating on frozen dry ice cream because fresh food lacks the traditionally needed multi-year shelf stability. Thanksgiving is upon us, which means the holiday season is in full swing.

The units were built at UCB by Bioserv Space Technologies and are just about the size of a standard microwave. “There are no moving parts, no fans, which is really big for reliability,” Robbie Aaron, an aerospace master student working on the project, said in a press statement in April. “Earth is also hot behind a normal fridge. We don’t have that space. Hot air does not rise in microgravity; It stays frozen and can cause things to overheat, so you should get rid of the heat in some other way. The ISS has a water-cooling system. We will heat the waste directly to the dump and tap to keep the system cool. “