Ice cubes There is a list of demands to help black Americans who need to pay attention to get their vote … and say that both sides of the wing, at least, have to listen to what he has to say.
We spoke to Cube on “TMZ Live” on Wednesday and he told us about it in detail.Agreement with Black America“He has been promoting it for the last few months since the election. The bottom line … he says he will vote for those who have implemented his ideas, even if he President Trump.
Check it out … for Cube, the politics of identity is over, and he’s only searching for his people at the moment – telling us if the candidate doesn’t clearly explain what the black community is for if they are elected. , They see no point in voting for them.
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In particular, he says economics is a big part of his agenda – he explains that there needs to be a monumental shift in the wealth gap between black people and everyone else.
Now, Cube says he’s heard JB BidenThe camp and Trump are about his ‘agreement’ … and insist that there is nothing biased about their demands.
This is also … He says that Biden should not think for a second that he will be blacklisted. The fact is, Trump is still in office fees and will be able to get some of these things out before November, which will go a long way for Cube and possibly other voters.
It’s an interesting form, and Cube decides to catch Trump and Biden’s legs in the fire.
Notice, candidates … voters are talking to you.