The hotel is involved in gambling 650 million hotels after the failure of Alex Rodriguez Mets

After failing to buy meats, Alex Rodriguez takes a swing at another flying entity – the hotel business.

According to the Miami Herald, A-Road plans to invest 6 50,650 million over the next three years with the aim of acquiring and developing 20 hotels in North America and the Caribbean.

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The former Yankees star group hopes to take advantage of the industry’s economic woes caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, said Raul Thomas, head of a Miami-based investment company. Commercial properties.

His plan is to relocate the hotel under the Hatlan brand.

Rodriguez, 45, has invested in a number of businesses since retiring from a baseball career in 2016, much to the chagrin of his untruths about the use of PEDs.

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But no venture was more ambitious than her bid with fianc જે Jennifer Lopez to buy the Mets.

After months of pursuit, the Wilpon family sold the team in September to hedge the 2.42 billion fund honcho Steve Cohen.

Rodriguez, who is also an ESPN and Fox Bezab .l analyst, and Lopez have combined assets of approximately 700 700 million.