The graphics of PS5 Exclusive Final Fantasy 16 are not yet tuned or optimized.

Final Fantasy 16 PS5 PlayStation 5 1

The event of the Final Fantasy 16 set pulses during Sony’s big PlayStation 5 announced the event earlier this year, but some criticized the upcoming-event release. Square Enix is ​​known for its beautiful JRPGs, and for many it looks like a step up from the upcoming Final Fantasy VII remake, which was released on PlayStation 4 this year. Wanted to focus on the actual gameplay footage for the first trailer of the title.

“I don’t want the trailer to be just a presentation and, balm! Logo! ”He said at the Tokyo Game Show as translated by Gametsu. “I wanted to use the resources moving into the game in real-time, but time was not the best for it. We haven’t tuned it in yet or optimized it [there is] There is a lot of work to be done. But if we released the presented trailer, they would say ‘OK, see you in 2035!’ I have seen such comments from America. So, we really want to show something that was really in the game. We haven’t shown the highlights of the game in this trailer, so it will come later when we build it properly. “

That’s a fair comment from Yoshida, and it’s true that in the past it has been criticized for revealing the publisher’s ideas that don’t really reflect reality. In fact, it is something that our own ultimate fantasy enthusiast Robert Ramsey picked up during the revelation event, and insisted that much of his excitement is centered on the fact that this seems like a tangible product rather than a vague product. Render the target.
