The girl launches into an epic tirade about all the stops during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially ice cream

PHOENIX – A girl from Phoenix, Arizona is seen expressing her frustrations over the COVID-19 blockade in a new viral video.

The four-year-old details everything that is wrong with her life during the pandemic, from the closed ice cream truck to the off-limits McDonald’s playground.

“It just isn’t fair because everything that’s fun also has to be closed. The only thing open is nothing,” she says, listening to her parents laugh in the background.

Her highly relatable crisis has been viewed nearly eight million times on Twitter.

The video was filmed by the girl’s father on April 3 and originally posted to the machouseblanc family’s Instagram account. The young man, Blake, is upset by the closure of many businesses, but, in particular, it is the news that “the ice cream truck is closed” that makes her cry.

“I mean, why do germs get closer to people if they don’t want germs close to them?”

The video continues, with Blake again explaining that “everything has to be closed completely” and “I don’t want him to do that. It’s not fair.”

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