The former Amazon manager and family members were accused of insider trading

On Monday, the former finance manager of e-commerce giant Amazon was charged with insider trading by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The SEC has accused a senior manager at Amazon’s tax department of analyzing and reviewing numbers before the company’s quarterly annual revenue reports, allegedly receiving “highly confidential” information about the company’s operations and sending it to her husband in January, 2016. Suggested from July. 2018.

The employee’s husband and his father made deals using information on 11 different accounts and then earned the family 1. 1.4 million from the illicit business.

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Erin Snyder, director of the SEC’s San Francisco Regional Office Fees, said in a statement that “employees with access to confidential, potentially emerging corporate information in a potential market will not be able to use that information to enrich themselves, their friends or their families.”

The employee, her husband and her father were charged with violating antifreeze laws.

An Amazon spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.

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