The first recipient of the coronavirus vaccine has just broken its silence – BGR

  • A coronavirus vaccine trial appears to be showing some promising results, according to manufacturer Pfizer.
  • According to reports, trials show that the vaccine is causing the body to make antibodies in the same way that it would if a person were infected.
  • Double-blind trials will continue, but we should not expect a vaccine to be available until 2021.

Social distancing, wearing masks, and hand washing are important steps we all must take to slow the spread of the new coronavirus. At this point, it is clear that the US decided to “reopen” too soon, and many states are now seeing a record number of new cases rapidly accumulating. A vaccine could change course, but as we have known all along, developing such treatment takes time.

David Rach, who was one of the first people to receive a test for the COVID-19 vaccine. It was administered by scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and Rach’s status has been monitored along the way, hoping that the vaccine can boost his body’s immune system with antibodies that fight the virus in a way. preventive. Now, Pfizer, who developed the vaccine, says it appears to be working, at least for now.

Rach spoke to WJLA And revealed that in a recent Pfizer update, the company says the vaccine is producing antibodies in the bodies of the volunteers in a similar way to those who were actually infected with the coronavirus.

“It is exciting for a participant and graduate student studying immunology and it is also exciting with the promise of a vaccine for next year and that life will return to normal,” said Rach. “I found out when Pfizer ran the ad and my friends started texting me on Facebook, ‘Oh, your picture is on the news again!’ and I’m as expected what happened? There is a relief component to see that it is actually producing results, that the vaccine is producing antibodies. “

It is important to note that although Rach was the first participant, he is not the only one involved in the trial, and since the structure of the trial is double blind, Rach does not know whether he received the vaccine or a placebo. . However, Pfizer says the trial itself is showing results, so if Rach received the vaccine, he thinks he did, due to a reaction he had to the second injection, he may be one of the first people on the planet. in having immunity against COVID-19 without being infected first.

At the moment, there is still no reason to believe that a COVID-19 vaccine will be ready for wide distribution before early 2021. Trials for the vaccines take a significant time to complete, even when the FDA is “speeding it up.” wear your mask until we can be sure that we are not all making the pandemic worse.

Mike Wehner has reported on technology and video games for the past decade, covering the latest news and trends in virtual reality, handheld devices, smartphones, and future technology. Most recently, Mike served as technical editor at The Daily Dot, and has appeared on USA Today,, and countless other websites and in print. His love of reporting is second only to his addiction to games.
