The first PlayStation 5 TDown reveals some hardware secrets

We’re still a little further away from the official launch of the PlayStation 5, but we’ve got the first public fracture courtesy of Sony’s console hardware.

Sony responded to a Japanese video (with English subtitles) posted on Wednesday morning, previous announcements and some annoying questions left out of the hands of some of the Japanese press in a timely manner.

One of them is a demonstration of how the circular black stand of the main system works. When the PS5 is also placed ically, the stand is held in place with a large screw. When it is unscrewed, it can be stored in a base compartment, and a small cap fills the screw hole in the system itself.

PS5 owners will use the same base when placing the PS5 horizontally, presumably to provide a flat surface for comfort on the system’s gentle curves. No screw required.

Speaking of those white panels, the teardown video shows that they can be easily pp without tools. As the video explains, just “lift the back corner and slide it”. When the white panels are closed, users have easy access to the outside of the system’s cooling fan, which draws in air from both sides of the system through two long sides at the front and a rear vent that runs the entire length of the system.

The inner shell also has two “dust catcher” holes that could easily be vacuumed, according to Sony. That should be welcome news for PS4 owners who have blasted the system with open air to remove the dust left by the system.

List of images by Sony / YouTube