Cyberpunk 2077 is out and, well … * gestures around *. The CD project is working well enough on the latest PC, where bugs have mostly (if not completely) been limited to Goofy visual barriers, but the console version is bad, especially on the original 2013-model PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Well, hey, if you’re on the fence, now you can get the console edition of Cyberpunk 2077 for a little less discount.
Both XB One X One and PlayStation 4 versions of Cyberpunk 2077. R10 is available for savings from $ 59.99 MSRP at. 49.99. The deal was already matched by Amazon as well. Amazon used to offer physical PC releases under $ 50 before launch, but this seems to be the first significant discount since its release.
Cyberpunk 2077 was released on December 10. To emphasize – I know the time is vague right now – eight days have passed since then. Discounts on big games are coming faster these days than ever before and are not the only indicator of a failed launch, but … my friends, it’s barely a week.
At this rate, the console version of Cyberpunk will become an important part of gaming history, so if you want to own it, go all the way. If you want a better version of the game, however, you can buy Cyberpunk 2077 from the humble store here.
The CD project has announced that it will ensure that players can return retail versions of Cyberpunk 2077 by December 21st. For more RPG games, you can follow that link.