The FDA warns against wearing masks with metal parts during MRI

A patient wearing a face mask with a metal part was burned during the MRI examination – would alert the Food and Drug Administration about the potential dangers of using such coverings.

The FDA received reports of injuries to a patient wearing a face mask with metal during a Tesla MRI scan of the neck. The report described the consistency of the shape of the face mask with burns on the patient’s face, the FDA said in its warning on Tuesday.

The agency warned that patients should not wear any metal during MRI, a well-known precaution that was apparently missed during a scan of the person’s neck.

The FDA said “in view of the increasing use of face masks during Covid-1P epidemics, patients and health care providers want to be aware of the potential risk of facial burns related to the use of metal face masks by patients with MRIs,” the FDA said.

The agency noted that it is appropriate for a patient to wear a mask for MRI examination during a coronavirus epidemic.

“Before MRI begins, health care providers performing MRI examinations should confirm that the face mask has no metal. Some face masks have metal strips, which may contain metal, to help the mask shape the user, nanoparticles or antimicrobial coating. Is (for example, silver or copper), ”he says.

“Metals can lead to radio frequency (RF) -induced heating. This may represent a threat to MR imaging during COVID-19 epidemics. “
