The fact of Chris Wallace reviews Donald Trump in an interview

In the interview, Trump accused Democrats of “misdirecting” major cities and then repeated his campaign lie that the former vice president and presumed Democratic Party candidate for president wants to rid the country of the police.

“Sir, not him,” replied Wallace.

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Trump doubled down, saying Biden had “signed a letter” with Senator Bernie Sanders, a reference to a 110-page document with policy recommendations drawn up by allies of the former vice president and his former rival for the presidency.

“It says nothing about firing the police,” Wallace said. Trump was not having it, replying, “Really? He says abolish, he says. Come on, bring me the letter, please.”

The video clip stopped there. But when Wallace anticipated his Sunday interview with Fox presenter Bill Hemmer, he offered a hint at what happened next.

Wallace said Trump “reviewed” the letter and “found many things he opposed and that Biden accepted, but could find no indication, because there is none, that Joe Biden has attempted to disburse and abolish the police.”
