The creators of Bill and Ted share the casting match for Reeves and Winter

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter ARE Bill and Ted. Even Hollywood knows that restarting the franchise and choosing someone else is a really dumb idea, and Hollywood will restart anything.

Creators Chris Matheson and Ed Solomon, who originally played the characters improvisationally before working on the film, revealed that, in a strange coincidence, they actually saw the duo on a Maccy Ds and thought they were perfect … without realizing it. realize they were even actors

During his Comic-Con @ home panel, Solomon said: “We were in Arizona when the movie was about to be shot and we were in line at McDonald’s and we were actually complaining to each other, ‘I bet whoever they choose It won’t be able to do it the way we expected.

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter, Bill and Ted face the music

Warner Bros.

Related: Bill and Ted 3 the writer responds to the sequel to the complaints that he “woke up” too

“And then there are these two guys in front of us at McDonald’s, fooling around and talking to each other. And Chris and I are like, ‘Now those should be the people who play Bill and Ted!’ And then we ended up on set for the first rehearsal and it was Alex and Keanu [who were the same guys from McDonald’s]. Amazing.”

The duo will finally return as Bill and Ted this year, and a new trailer for the third movie was released over the weekend.

Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter, Bill and Ted face the music

Warner Bros.

Not bad for a series Keanu recently admitted he thought would never last long enough for a third movie.

Bill and Ted face the music It is slated for release in theaters and VODs in the US on September 1. A UK release date has yet to be confirmed.

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